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Catch The Current!

Catch The Current!

Our free bimonthly newsletter, The Current, can be downloaded here. Catch up on the latest in all things River Fields, from new conservation initiatives to educational programming to advocacy updates. The Current, March 2025 The Current, January 2025 RF_Newsletter_11_24_Digital_FA The_Current_September_24…

The Breakers At Prospect Updates

The Breakers at Prospect Updates

Major Updates on 81 home Sutherland Subdivision Development Proposal Updates as of July 2019 At the public hearing June 27, The Land, Development and Transportation Committee of the Planning Commission (LD&T) asked Kay Ball, The Louisville Water Company (LWC) Program…

Donation: Tax Benefits

Donation of certain development rights to a qualified organization like River Fields can constitute a tax-deductible charitable gift. To be deductible, an easement must meet certain minimum conservation objectives established by the federal government. The value of the gift, determined…

Donate Your Land Or Easement

Donate Your Land Or Easement

There are many different ways for a landowner to conserve his/her property. River Fields can help every landowner explore the options and assist them in meeting their goals. If River Fields is unable to meet a landowner’s specific needs, we…

Conserve Your Land

Conserve Your Land

River Fields uses two primary land protection tools: conservation easements and fee simple ownership. We undertake this work through donations and occasionally through purchase. These conservation methods are ones used by over 1,700 land conservation organizations nationwide. We work with…

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