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Mission & Values

To protect, preserve, and enhance natural and cultural resources on both sides of the Ohio River between Westport and West Point, KY, as well as the region surrounding it, for the benefit of the public.

Our Vision

The natural and cultural environment of the Ohio River and its corridor is revered and enjoyed by the citizens of the region.

We are permanently committed to:

  • Protecting scenic views and stewarding lands along the Ohio River Corridor through 2,300 acres of conservation easements and 65 acres of publicly-accessible riverfront open space
  • Advocating to decisionmakers for a long-term vision for sustainable land and and water use
  • Supporting authentic historic preservation of cultural landscapes and structures
  • Educating and engaging the public in all the above

Check out this video produced by Kertis Creative to learn more about River Fields and its impact on the river, its lands, and the people who depend upon them.

We envision all citizens of this area enjoying the natural and cultural environment of the Ohio River, its corridor and surrounding region.

Our Organization

  • As a land trust, River Fields holds 63 acres of key river corridor properties outright in 10 different parcels and approximately 2,172 acres in 27 conservation easements.
  • River Fields has a broad membership base of more than 2,100 citizens from 119 zip codes in the Louisville area and around the country.
  • River Fields is governed by a Board of Trustees that comprises over a dozen members who represent diverse backgrounds and community interests. Our presidents have included some of the Louisville area’s most dynamic civic leaders.
  • River Fields is the largest and oldest river conservancy on all 981 miles of the Ohio River.

Our Staff

Kristin Faurest

Kristin Faurest

Executive Director

Owen Ronald

Advocacy and Conservation Consultant

Ashley ‘Alli” Cassetty

Event and Development Consultant

Tina Adams

Office Manager

Our Board of Trustees

James Haynes
President Pro Tem

Bea Rosenberg

Robert W. Griffith


Rebecca Brown
Arnita Gadson
David Morgan
Jim Moyer
Von C. Purdy
Charles W. Stewart
Suzanne Wallace Whayne


Tom Halbleib, Stites and Harbison

Honorary Trustees
Laura Lee Lyons Brown
Sallie Bingham

Trustee Emeriti
Hunter G. Louis
Kenneth W. Moore
Bob Kulp

Our Partners

National Partners
The Land Trust Alliance
The National Trust for Historic Preservation
The Cultural Landscape Foundation
Land Trust Advocacy Ambassadors
TerraFirma Legal Defense Insurance
Land Trust Accreditation Commission

State Partners
Preservation Kentucky
Kentucky Heritage Council
Kentucky Land Trusts Coalition
Kentucky Waterways Alliance

Regional and Metro Partners
Center for Neighborhoods

Kentuckiana Underground Railroad Project

Ohio River Way
Jacobs School/James Taylor Neighborhood Association
Preservation Louisville
The City of Prospect
Southern Regional Office Indiana Landmarks
West Point Concerned Citizens

Non-discrimination statement: River Fields is an equal opportunity organization that celebrates the diversity of our entire community and does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, disability, age, or genetic history. Reasonable accommodations will be provided to our employees and to our event participants to those who require them for medical or religious reasons. Any complaints related to the above can be directed to the CEO and President of the organization. Complaints will be treated with confidentiality, investigated promptly, and corrected. Any employees violating the non-discrimination policy either with other staff or with members of the community will be disciplined appropriately, up to and including termination.

Important Documents

2024 Annual Report – RF_Impact_Report_25_2_digital

2023 990


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