2025 River Fields Programming!
We’re thrilled to share our 2025 programming slate with you, our wonderful supporters. Registration will open soon, but you can always email Kristin at kristin@riverfields.org if you want to book your place in advance or if you have questions about accessibility.
See below for our series of fantastic programs that will engage you with wildflowers, historic architecture, Olmsted-designed landscapes, canoeing, tree identification, and more. We’ll see you there!

Wildflower Walk at Wolf Pen Branch Mill Farm
May 10, 2025, 10 a.m. – Noon
Immerse yourself in the ephemeral beauty of wildflowers on these beautiful private lands protected by River Fields. Learn about how native wildflowers and trees support wildlife, and enjoy a beautiful walk in the woods along a creek and a historic 19th century mill. The walk is not strenuous but does involve some uneven surfaces. Please contact kristin@riverfields.org if you have questions about accessibility or accommodations. Limit 25 participants.
Register online.
Edyalmoor Historic Tour
May 25, 2025, 10 a.m. – Noon
The historic Edyalmoor estate – permanently protected by River Fields and the Kentucky Heritage Council – is an extraordinary example of early 20th century Olmsted-inspired landscape architecture, with a diverse collection of mature trees and a beautifully laid-out grounds. Edyalmoor is the last remaining segment of the Bate Plantation, which was originally 4,000 acres and once the largest plantation and land holding in Jefferson County. The tour is led by River Fields staff and a local ecosystems expert with deep knowledge of the property’s natural history. Please dress for the weather with comfortable shoes. Please note that the tour includes viewing the house’s exterior but not its interior. The walk is not strenuous but does involve some uneven surfaces. Please contact kristin@riverfields.org if you have questions about accessibility or accommodations.
Register Online.
Paddling trip on the Ohio with River City Paddle Sports
July 12 (rain date July 26), 2025, 10 a.m.-noon
River Fields is thrilled to partner with River City Paddle Sports to explore the river and/or Harrods Creek by canoe. We’ll be paddling together in their large Voyageur canoes while learning about the river’s history and ecology and how River Fields works to protect both. Participants must follow safety instructions, wear a lifejacket, and sign a waiver. The excursion requires climbing in and out of boats and continually paddling for a 2-4 mile distance. Please contact kristin@riverfields.org if you have questions about accessibility or accommodations.
Register Online.
Interpretive Nature Walk at Garvin Brown Nature Preserve
July 19, 2025, 10 a.m.-noon
Join River Fields staff, ecosystems specialist Regina Bergner, and University of Louisville researchers to explore Garvin Brown Nature Preserve, River Fields’s crown jewel. Rich with wetlands, forest, wildflowers, and Ohio River views, Garvin Brown is a true treasure made even more enjoyable with expert interpretation. The walk is done at a slow pace with minimal irregular terrain and elevation change. Please contact kristin@riverfields.org if you have questions about accessibility and accommodations.
Register Online.
ORSANCO River Sweeps
August and October, dates and location to be posted at a later date, 10 a.m.-noon
Come help us clean up the shore! River Fields is proud to partner with ORSANCO, the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission, for a river cleanup. T-shirts and all protective gear and supplies will be provided free. Free pizza and drinks will be provided after the event.
Since 1948, ORSANCO and its member states, including Kentucky, have cooperated to improve water quality in the Ohio River Basin – ensuring the river can be used for drinking, industrial supplies, and recreational purposes; and can support a healthy and diverse aquatic community.
Participants must sign a waiver and follow safety instructions. The cleanup work is strenuous in general and involves a lot of walking and picking up and carrying debris. We are happy to accommodate participants with mobility if we are able to plan in advance. Please contact kristin@riverfields.org if you have questions about accessibility or accommodations. Registration link and details will be posted here soon.
Monarch watch at Garvin Brown Nature Preserve
Sept. 20, 2025, 10 a.m.-noon
Engage with our monarch butterflies at Garvin Brown Nature Preserve while learning about why protecting these exquisite and vulnerable creatures is a key element of good conservation. The program takes place in two locations – out in the field at Garvin Brown to discover our monarch population, and indoors for a lecture presentation in the Leslie Classroom of Waterfront Botanical Gardens.
Fall color tree walk at Wolf Pen Branch Mill Farm
October 25, 2025, 10 a.m.-noon
Discover the gorgeous hues of autumn with us on this stunning National Register-listed property not open to the public. The walk is done at a slow pace with some irregular terrain and elevation change. Please contact kristin@riverfields.org if you have questions about accessibility and accommodations. Registration link and details will be posted here soon. Photo of autumn woods by Tiffany Anthony, Unsplash.